Why do cats eat plants?

Cats are curious creatures. They often spend their days exploring, playing, and scavenging for food. But why do cats eat plants?

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they must eat meat to survive. However, they also have a natural instinct to eat plants. Cats are attracted to the smell, taste, and texture of plants. This behavior is often seen in cats who are allowed to roam outdoors, where they are exposed to a variety of plants.

One reason cats may eat plants is to supplement their diet. Plants contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber that cats need to stay healthy. Eating plants can help cats with digestion, as the fiber helps move food through the digestive tract. Plants can also help cats with hydration, as some contain a significant amount of water.

Some cats may also be drawn to plants for their natural scent. Cats have an excellent sense of smell and may be attracted to the smell of certain plants, such as catnip, mint, and valerian root. Eating these plants may also provide an enjoyable experience for the cat, as the plants can act as stimulants and produce a euphoric feeling.

It’s also possible that cats may eat plants out of boredom. Cats are naturally curious and may see eating plants as an interesting activity. If a cat is lacking stimulation or feeling anxious, eating plants can provide a calming effect.

Finally, cats may eat plants for comfort. Eating plants may help a cat cope with stress and anxiety. Many cats also find comfort in the taste and smell of certain plants.

Overall, cats may eat plants for a variety of reasons. While it’s not necessary for cats to eat plants, it can provide them with essential vitamins and minerals. It can also act as a source of comfort and stimulation. If you’re concerned about your cat’s health, speak with your veterinarian for advice.