Why don’t cats like water?

It’s not a secret that cats don’t particularly like water. While some cats are curious about it, others will do anything to avoid it. But why don’t cats like water?

When most people think of cats and water, they think of cats being afraid of it. While it’s true that cats don’t always take kindly to baths, there may be more to this than meets the eye.

One of the main reasons cats don’t like water is that they don’t like to get wet. Cats are very fastidious creatures who like to keep themselves clean and dry. When cats get wet, the water disrupts their fur and skin, which can cause discomfort and irritation. Additionally, water can make their fur heavy and difficult to groom. This is why cats prefer to keep themselves clean through licking rather than bathing.

Another reason cats don’t take kindly to water is their instinctive fear of it. Cats evolved in the desert, and they are naturally wary of large bodies of water. This is why cats may be hesitant to walk on wet surfaces or to drink from a bowl of water.

Cats also have sensitive noses, which can be overwhelmed by the smell of water. Cats rely on their noses to identify food and other cats, and the scent of water can mask these smells. This may explain why cats tend to drink from faucets or other sources of running water rather than from a bowl.

Finally, cats simply don’t like the sensation of water on their fur. Cats are covered in fur, which is designed to keep them warm and dry. When cats get wet, their fur can become matted and heavy, which is uncomfortable for them. Additionally, cats may find the sensation of water on their fur to be unpleasant.

It’s clear that cats don’t like water for a variety of reasons. From their instinctive fear of it to their sensitive noses, cats are naturally wary of water. Additionally, cats don’t like to get wet due to the discomfort and irritation it can cause. Understanding why cats don’t like water can help us take better care of our feline friends.